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Wednesday Wellness: Breech Babies
Your baby is breech, now what? What to do when you find out that baby is breech (hint: get to Chiro ASAP). Click HERE to check out the...

Wednesday Wellness: Mama's Day and Midwives
Happy International Day of the Midwife! Great gift ideas for moms. Click HERE to watch the video! @westmimidwifery @simplybornbirth...

Wednesday Wellness: Plagiocephaly and Crawling
Dr. Annie's case report was just published about plagiocephaly and it was perfect timing for some other issues we are seeing in kiddos...

Wednesday Wellness: VBAC Info and Tips with Carrie Stevens
In this video we chat with Carrie Stevens @gingerblossomdoula about Vaginal Birth After Cesarean (VBACs) and how moms can build their...

Wednesday Wellness: Lip and Tongue Ties
Trouble nursing? Painful Latch? We are talking lip and tongue ties today! This is a pretty common issue that we are seeing more and more...

Wednesday Wellness: Postpartum Depletion with Dr. Janna
In this video we are chatting about allllllll of the depletion that postpartum mamas face, and how to get back to yourself with Dr. Janna...

Wednesday Wellness: Infant Reflux
In this video we are chatting about infant reflux and spitting up! We've seen this in a lot of kiddos recently, especially ones that had...

Wednesday Wellness: IWD Shout Out to Our Ladies!
Shout out to some of our favorite boss ladies for IWD! To watch the video click HERE! #riseandshine #eastowngr #internationalwomensday...

Wednesday Wellness: Nerding out about Vagus and Scans
Click HERE to watch the video! #riseandshine #risewellnesschiro #wellaligned #eastowngr #uptowngr #risetogether #vagusnotvegas...

Wednesday Wellness: Postpartum Care and Depletion
Dr. Annie and Dr. Rachel are talking about how to recover after pregnancy, how we build postpartum care into our plans, and supplements...

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