Wednesday Wellness Developmental Delays
Developmental delays are NOT simply bad luck and poor genetics. And they’re NOT something kids just magically 🪄 grow out of and catch up with.
The real triggers of developmental delays often go as far back as pregnancy and birth, which is why so many conventional doctors and even early intervention specialists fail to find the real root cause and trigger of a child’s delays, leaving them stuck and plateaued developmentally despite months or even years of PT, OT, Speech, and other therapies.
If you’re concerned about your child’s development and feel that something foundational 🧱 may still be missing from your child’s care plan, then be sure to watch this video from Dr. Annie and Dr. Rachel and find out what’s really going on with developmental delays and how we may be able to help get your child back on track! 👏
#risewellnesschiro #pxdocs #babymilestones / developmental schedule / when should my baby walk / crawling / baby walking / how many words should my child be able to say