Is your kiddo's nervous system stuck in fight or flight?
Do you feel like your child is always stuck on the gas pedal?! Maybe they struggle with anxiety, poor sleep, low-immunity, or behavioral challenges… So what does this mean? 🤔
All of these symptoms can be tied to a nervous system that is stuck in “fight or flight”!
In this video, Dr. Annie and Dr. Rachel dig into the root cause of a child getting stuck in perpetual “fight or flight” 💨 mode. And how the cascade of stress hormones and tripwire reactions impair vital processes like digestion, immunity, and development!
Looking at the Nervous System 🧠 first can be key to calming this Perfect Storm 🌪️ of Fight or Flight and Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic Care can play a key role in all of it!
#risewellnesschiro // #pxdocs // #fightorflight // Fight or Flight response // Chronic stress // #pediatricchiropractic // How to get out of fight or flight // Tips to relax nervous system // Sympathetic Nervous System